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Submental fat, or double chin, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin or even down into the neck. This condition can be associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to suffer from excess fat in this area. Family genetics or aging may also be the cause of a double chin.

There are several different options out there that claim to reduce your double chin. One popular new treatment on the market is fat dissolving injections. Many patients want to knowhow these treatments compare to traditional liposuction and, most importantly, which is more affordable?

The infographic below contains some key differences in cost between traditional liposuction versus fat dissolving injections for neck fat removal.

Thanks to some tricky advertising tactics, patients are often misled to believe that fat dissolving injections are a more affordable option to traditional liposuction.

That’s because, often times, only the price of a single treatment is disclosed. However, 4-6treatmentsmay be required to achieve your desired result, and that’s just the average. That means the total cost will be 6+ times greater than the advertised price! Pretty sneaky, huh?

Patients should also consider that more treatments means more downtime, and more waiting for the result you desire.

Liposuction for double chin is a quick, SINGLE, in-office treatment under local anesthesia. One treatment, means one recovery period, and one (much more affordable) price!

If you would like to learn more about getting rid of that double chin, schedule a consultation today. We are happy to speak with you in-person or by video

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